Monday, August 15, 2011

Bits of You & Pieces of Me by Kimberly Kinrade

Bits of You & Pieces of Me by Kimberly Kinrade

Collection of short stories, poetry, and essays

Rating: 4 Stars

A collection of short stories, poetry & essays on life. While each piece stands alone, together the chapters tell the story of an idealistic girl in love with love who discovers the demons of a splintered heart when that love turns violent. Through it all, she climbs her way back to Hope and finds that in the end her True Heart remained Unbreakable.

This collection includes some horror short stories, dark poetry on painful love and difficult subject matters such as domestic violence.

First Thoughts: I got this as an e-book for 'liking' Kimberly's Facebook page to enter to win a print copy of the book. I didn't win the copy but I did get the free e-book. Anyway, I have had it for awhile so I decided before I get to my next galley that I would read this one. The cover is really adorable. It's simple and the colors are beautiful. The synopsis is not like a normal book. It explains what the book is and the pieces it has. It pretty much has a bit of everything.

Writing Style: There are so many different pieces of writing but I can say that Kimberly stayed consistent. Each piece that was dark was definitely dark. Each piece that was drama filled was definitely filled with drama. I had no issues with her writing style here. I did find a couple mistakes in spelling though. But really, what book doesn't?

Characters: This part is not that easy. There were different stories in here with different names but from the sound of the synopsis they all come together to tell one story. Each piece was brilliant on it's own. The short stories had the action, the characters you could sympathize with or even relate to. The poems don't really have characters but I think if you understand them you could relate to the narrator like I did.

Final Thoughts: I guess I'm not much of a fan of these types of books. I really liked it but at the same time I was bored. It's books like this one that make me miss my fantasy/science fiction books. There were some creepy short stories in here that I enjoyed though, so the book did have my attention and I definitely didn't have to force myself to read it. So I couldn't just give it a bad review because I was bored so I kept it professional. My favorite essay was The Minute. It is so cute! I could definitely relate to this essay and I think everyone else would too.

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