I finally got my last e-mail reply from my first batch of queries and I have to say it's my favorite rejection. Weird, I know. How can someone have a favorite rejection? Well, my first one was just a flat out no. The last one one I got (before my last last one) was a little nicer saying the usual "Thank you for thinking of us" and "It's a great story but not for us." But this last one really struck a chord with and I realized something has to change.
I actually got constructive criticism from this one agency. I have been waiting forever for them answer and yes, it hurt a little for it to be a rejection but at least since it was a rejection they told me what made them choose what they did and what I should do to make it better.
They told me they think I have something and they were engaged by my plot and my premise but they felt that my writing was chunky and felt unfinished like it was a first draft, which I thought it wasn't. Then they told me I should consider going through it again before submitting it anywhere else because they think I have talent but obviously if the writing isn't fantastic no one will ever glance my way.
You see why I like it? They didn't just tell me no, they explained why it is a no and now I know what I need to work on to make it better. I don't want to have a book published if it's not my best work. I don't want the readers to feel that it is unfinished. I want them to love it. That agency helped me see what was wrong with my work and now I can go back and try to make it better. That rejection was probably a good thing to happen to me even if it was a rejection and I am still without an agent.
So I have decided to go through it again and fix all my common mistakes and try to liven it up and make it feel less chunky. I am also going to make Dawn, the Witch Hunter Trilogy available on inkpop.com, well just a few chapters. I put Princess of the Rebellion on there a while back and I got some tips for that one so maybe I will get the same for Dawn.
Princess of the Rebellion was the first book I wrote and for now I have lost faith in it. Don't get me wrong, I love it. But I needed a break from it and I'm just not ready to go back to it. I will someday because I already have a sequel planned for that one. But like I said, I don't feel like writing it so I'm not going to waste my time because if I don't feel it I know it won't turn out good.
So, I have revamped Dawn. I am starting at the beginning and attempting to make it even better than it was before. I started with the first six chapters and decided to make a new cover. I really hate my first one. The same thing happened for PotR and my second one for that was way better. I definitely feel my new cover for Dawn rocks. It has everything to do with the story, not that anybody would know that because no one has read the story, but I feel it is a perfect fit. A new beginning for this story.